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Dr. Christian Baumgartner
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Quelle: Datenschutzerklärung-Muster der
Christian Baumgartner’s insight into the causal relationships prevailing within sustainabel tourism is both profound and holistic. In the course of our cooperation we frequently addressed sustainability issues in a highly critical spirit. Yet, Christian always sought to find practicable solutions designed to ensure the sustainable success of ventures undertaken by tourism enterprises and organisations.
Weltweitwandern and Christian Baumgartner are connected though a long lasting partnership and several cool projects - since the times of the NGO ‘respect'. One example: in the Carinthian Lesachtal we organized a lively cultural exchange with our guides from e.g. Morocco. Ladakh, Nepal, Mongolia. Christian was always and is a good sparring partner for new ideas and concept.
I have known Dr. Baumgartner for 20 years and have come to appreciate his outstanding professional competence, his 100 percent reliability during all kinds of cooperative ventures, his farsightedness combined with a sense of reality and his courage in pioneering new approaches.
I highly appreciate Christian Baumgartner's competence and empathy for the people's needs. He is an excellent moderator and facilitator of development processes for a tourism that contributes to a common Danube identity in this important European region.
I have enjoyed working with Christian Baumgartner for many years on the whole range of topics relating to sustainable tourism. He has extensive knowledge and contacts with many other international experts.
My first contact with Christian happened during that training for ecotourism he held in Senegal 14 years ago. Since then, we haven't stopped learning from his innovative approach of sustainability that combines harmoniously biodiversity and human diversity. I do, definitely, appreciate his sense of responsibility and his quenchless thirst for innovation.
I have known Christian Baumgartner for several years from different projects in the Danube Delta and along the Danube river. I always liked his very sensitive approach to both biodiversity and humans. Especially in this both challenging and promising cross-border situation having several minorities, three countries - one of them an EU member, the others not - and a rather weak infrastructure.