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response & ability gmbh
Dr. Christian Baumgartner
T: +43 (0) 664 3812143
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Quelle: Datenschutzerklärung-Muster der
Dennis Meadows, author of Limits to Growth, developed the strategic business game Stratagem in the 1990s, which realistically simulates the - more or less - sustainable development of an emerging country on a computer-aided board. Christian Baumgartner offers groups to moderate the simulation game. Time required: 6-8 hours.
The Future Box Tourism contains innovative educational materials on the future of tourism, which were developed by Helga Mayr (PH Tirol) and Christian Baumgartner (response & ability) based on the Future Boxes of the futurium, the House of Futures in Berlin. They are published under a creative commons license and freely available in German and English. They can be used flexibly in teaching and learning:
What's in the Future Box: a guide, various sets of cards (trend cards for developing scenarios, megatrend cards, perspective cards, wild cards, challenge cards, impulse cards, a brief guide and the individual method descriptions).
An activity in the form of a three-days Bootcamp Climate Change, Tourism, and Sustainable Development is described in the guide. At the bootcamp, participants look for traces of climate change in the context of tourism and sustainable development, discuss with experts, conduct interviews, develop possible scenarios and a vision of tourism of the future. Based on their knowledge of the current situation and possible developments as well as their own visions, they formulate concrete challenges or problems for which they finally develop solutions in teams and implement them as prototypes.
The guide contains background information on
The trend cards are the heart of the Future Box. They contain descriptions of possible developments in the categories destinations, travel motives, mobility, population, work, food and companies. With these cards, various future scenarios can be developed and discussed in a playful manner and, with the use of joker cards, supplemented with the participants' own developments.
Further sets of cards allow a deepening of the scenarios or can be used independently of them:
Megatrend cards: powerful trends that shape society in the long term are described on a total of 10 cards. Central questions: How do these megatrends affect tourism (of the future)? What are the consequences of the trends for a previously created future scenario?
Perspective cards: the total of 14 perspective cards enable a multi-perspective view on scenarios and/or megatrends. The perspectives politics, civil society, local population, economy, entrepreneur:in, guests and environment are each represented by two personas who have different perspectives on the topic. Central questions: How do the individual personas wish tourism (of the future) to be? Why? What are the consequences? Which areas of tension arise due to the different perspectives? Why? ...
Wildcards: extreme/unexpected future events or developments are described on 5 cards. Key question: how does the event/development affect the scenarios?
Challenge cards: each of the 5 cards contains a challenge formulated as a "How might we ..." - question as a starting point for the co-creative development of solutions (ideas?).
Impulse questions: a total of 5 impulse question cards each contain a provocative question on the topic that learners must answer either "YES" or "NO", although this is not easily possible. They then discuss the topic.
At the Bootcamp Tourism, Climate Change and Sustainable Development, a design thinking process is followed: from researching the current situation and possible trends to developing visions of a tourism of the future, formulating a concrete challenge and generating concrete solutions. The total of 17 methods can also be used individually.
Cooperation in tourism developement and training projects
Cathrine Maislinger is expert in the fields of sustainable tourism development, education and development cooperation. Her area of expertise are fair travelling, corporate social responsability, climate justice, human rights and child protection in tourism. She has international experience e.g. in SEE, Central Asia and Latin America
Team member
Katharina Eggenweber did her Bachelor in Tourism-and Leisure Management and is currently doing her Master in Environmental and Sustainability Management. She has experience with sustainable tourism- and regional development and speaks four languages fluently.
Team member
Milena Ignatova has master’s degrees in finance and environmental protection. She has worked in various nature protection projects like community-based initiatives in ecotourism or international climate change projects. But her main strength is implementing environmental management system in accommodation industry. Combining resource efficiency measures with green marketing and communication, she helps hotels to achieve a working balance between society, economy and the environment.
After successfully completing the Bachelor in Tourism with focus on Sustainability and International Development, Jasmin decided to move to Jordan. She is particularly interested in understanding the local context and currently works with a local tour company, focussing on responsible tourism.
design and layout
Hilde Matouschek and Gerhard Sturm from officina are longtime partner in designing and developing visual concepts for print- and online-media.
With 15+ years of experience in project management, evaluation and knowledge coordination, and 12+ years in tourism development, destination management and sustainability, strengthening partners and networks is always close to Veronika’s heart. She holds a MA in Sustainable Tourism Management and a MBA in International Business and Culture Studies with specialization in Latin America and tourism geography.